In the year 1993, FDA has approved the use of Risperdal and since then, doctors prescribe this drug to treat several illnesses. Young boys suffering from anxiety, autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, or any other related issues are often prescribed this medicine.
But, the truth is way different in reality. Risperdal is a dangerous drug that leads to various side effects. Risperidone side effects are difficult to cure and at times, result in death. Here are the major impacts of risperidone –
• Gynecomastia – breast development in boys
• Tardive dyskinesia – motor problems
• Extrapyramidal effects
• Sudden cardiac arrest
• Stroke
• Increase in blood sugar level
• Continual reduction of platelets in blood
• Common side effects of risperdal like headache, dizziness, stomach upset, dry mouth, agitation, depression, tremors and others.
Besides the above side effects, there are many more health issues visible after intake of risperdal. If you have been facing any of these problems as an after effect of this drug, visit a lawyer alongside calling a doctor.
Make certain that you fight in the right track and the verdict comes in your way. On winning the case, you are entitled to certain financial compensation for bearing further medication cost.
If you need an expert lawyer for fighting against the big brand, contact It is a house of qualified and skilled lawyers, who help you in winning the lawsuit. Also, it offers free consultation. To avail the facilities, give a call NOW at 1 (855) 631-1491.