Friday, November 23, 2018

Ever suffered these after taking Risperdal?

Are you a young man in his teen or early twenties who has been suffering from health complications after taking Risperdal? Though the medicine is approved by the FDA, there are some serious and severe side effects of Risperdal.

The medicine is used to treat these:

•    Anxiety
•    Autism (in children between 5 years and 16 years)
•    Bipolar disorder above the age of 10
•    Dementia in grown ups
•    Depression
•    ADHD
•    Insomnia
•    Schizophrenia in teenagers and adults

The side effects that you might have faced or been facing are:

•    Gynecomastia – breast tissue development in boys, including lactation
•    Motor problems – also known as tardive dyskinesia
•    High blood sugar
•    Diabetes
•    Stroke
•    Heart attack
•    Death

The medicine has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993 and since 2005, warnings on the boxes of the medicine indicate that seniors who are suffering from dementia and take antipsychotic medications may have a mild or major stroke if Risperdal is taken. There is also an increased risk of fatalities may also result after using the drug.

Anyone who is affected and injured by the use of Risperdal is entitled to financial compensation. RisperdalSideEffect offers legal help against the injury caused by the drug. Contact or call up on 1(855) 631-1491 to know further details.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Treat Your Risperidone Side Effects with Financial Compensation

In the year 1993, FDA has approved the use of Risperdal and since then, doctors prescribe this drug to treat several illnesses. Young boys suffering from anxiety, autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, or any other related issues are often prescribed this medicine.

But, the truth is way different in reality. Risperdal is a dangerous drug that leads to various side effects. Risperidone side effects are difficult to cure and at times, result in death. Here are the major impacts of risperidone –

•    Gynecomastia – breast development in boys
•    Tardive dyskinesia – motor problems
•    Extrapyramidal effects
•    Sudden cardiac arrest
•    Stroke
•    Increase in blood sugar level
•    Continual reduction of platelets in blood
•    Common side effects of risperdal like headache, dizziness, stomach upset, dry mouth, agitation, depression, tremors and others.

Besides the above side effects, there are many more health issues visible after intake of risperdal. If you have been facing any of these problems as an after effect of this drug, visit a lawyer alongside calling a doctor.

Make certain that you fight in the right track and the verdict comes in your way. On winning the case, you are entitled to certain financial compensation for bearing further medication cost.

If you need an expert lawyer for fighting against the big brand, contact It is a house of qualified and skilled lawyers, who help you in winning the lawsuit. Also, it offers free consultation. To avail the facilities, give a call NOW at 1 (855) 631-1491.

Monday, July 30, 2018

What is Risperdal class action lawsuit?

A class-action lawsuit refers to the condition when a group of people suffers from the same condition or injuries caused by the same product. These kinds of actions are taken against several drugs and medical device manufacturing company and a name among them is Risperdal.

Risperdal class action lawsuit
Risperdal is a drug that is brought on the market to help the ones who are suffering from metal or mood disorder. This medication can help you to think clearly and take part in everyday life. Though the drug was brought to get a good result, the outcome is not so.

Patients are suffering from several ill-effects including dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, weight gain, drooling, breast development and many more. This is very disheartening as the drug that was brought to give relief actually brought complications. If you are thinking that you are the only one, you are wrong.

A large section is suffering from the same. In such a case, you can file risperdal class action lawsuit and file compensation. You can get the assistance from the experienced lawyers to handle the whole thing in a smoother manner.

RisperdalSideEffect is a legal firm that works for the patients who have consumed the drug and are now suffering from the ill-effects. Their lawyers will not ask for any fee until you are awarded compensation from the manufacturing company. To get their assistance, schedule a free consultation or to learn more, call them at 1 (855) 631-1491 or visit

Friday, July 13, 2018

Health Complications Linked With Risperdal

Risperdal (risperidone) is a medication that was approved by the FDA for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults and children. It has also been used for treating autism in pediatric patients and bipolar disorder in adults and adolescents.

The drug works effectively by changing the dopamine level of the brain along with the other naturally occurring chemicals, as any class of atypical antipsychotics would do. Eventually, it creates a more focused thought process in everyday life.

side effects of risperdal
Unfortunately, this drug has caused some serious health hazards. The following are the most commonly reported side effects of Risperdal which led to class action lawsuits against the manufacturing company:
  • Gynecomastia : Risperdal has been alleged to increase the levels of prolactin in boys which leads to enlarged breast tissues. It can even cause lactation at times. In women, the condition can lead to unwanted nipple discharge, irregular menstruation cycle or difficulty in pregnancy. With this, specially men, are left with lifelong emotional scar. 
  • Tardive dyskinesia is a serious health condition which has been found in patients with prolonged use of Risperdal. The condition leads to unusual involuntary movement of the tongue, face and other body parts causing social embarrassment. It is more common among elderly patients suffering from dementia and can even continue when the medication has stopped. 
  • Risperdal can cause metabolic changes leading to the risk of heart attacks as well as strokes. Blood sugar, reduced hunger, frequented urination, weight gain and fluctuations in the cholesterol level in the body are commonly reported in patients who have been using the drug for a long time.
  • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is another serious condition but a rare side effect of Risperdal. It is more prevalent amongst patients who take antipsychotic drugs. kidney failure, frequent high fever, heavy sweating, rapid heartbeats, stiffness in muscles, confusion, and fluctuating blood pressure are the common signs of the condition. NMS if not treated timely can even lead to death.
  • Sleepiness, nausea, heartburn, dry mouth, increased saliva, dizziness, restlessness are some of the commonly reported signs of Risperdal intake. 
With an experienced team of trial lawyers, can help patients determine whether their case is eligible for financial compensation. Visit or dial 1(855)631-1491 to schedule an appointment for free evaluation of the medical case. There is no fee charged unless you are awarded compensation.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Do You Have a Risperdal Gynecomastia Lawsuit?

Risperidone is an oral prescription drug which is sold under the brand name Risperdal. It is given to patients suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism. Being a class of  a typical antipsychotics, the drug when taken in proper dosage alters the activity of dopamine which in turn balances the neurotransmitters.

However, the drug can have significant side effects one of which is gynecomastia. It is a condition where young men and boys have enlarged breast tissues and sometimes can even lead to lactation.
Hundreds of Risperdalclass action lawsuit claims have been filled by affected patients demanding compensation for their financial damage. Apart from the physical condition and its undesired manifestations, gynecomastia leaves a lifelong emotional scar. Corrective surgeries such as double mastectomies become mandatory to cure such situations.

Victims accused the manufacturing companies of concealing the harmful side effects of the drug. Moreover, the pharmaceutical companies did not even do a proper clinical trial before releasing it in the market. Moreover, the companies kept on misbranding the drug as a safe option although there were reports of tardive dyskinesia, sleepiness, nausea, heartburn, dry mouth and more. The plaintiffs can demand for the ongoing and future medical expenses, loss of wage, inability to earn and for the pain and suffering.

With an experienced team is there to help victims of the drug to settle on whether their case qualifies for financial compensation. Visit or dial 1(855)631-1491 to schedule an appointment for free evaluation of your case. They do not charge any fee unless you are awarded compensation. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

How Risperdal can affect your child?

Risperdal is a medication that is used to treat children who are suffering from bipolar disorder. Though it was brought to treat psychosis, its use in children has grown dramatically over the last few decades. It is because the drug can successfully calm down children with severe behavior problems and enable to function in their schools and within their families. Without Risperdal, some would require residential treatment.

But the drug can have serious side-effects and it is important that when a child will take it will follow the instructions of the doctor carefully. Risperdal is controversial because of the side-effects that include substantial weight gain, hormonal and neurological changes.

The drug has been in the news over the last several years as thousands were filled by the families who say they were not informed about the adverse effects of the drug that directly or indirectly affect their kids. Many of the lawsuits are on the behalf of the children who developed breasts because of an increase in a hormone called prolactin. It has been found that Risperdal children can hardly continue their daily activities properly.

If your child has also consumed the drug based on the prescription of the doctor and is now suffering from the side-effects, stop it. To take some legal action against the manufacturing company, file a lawsuit and claim compensation for the complications for your child. works for the patients who are suffering from side-effects after consuming a drug. All of their layers are certified and experienced in this filed. Moreover, they will not ask for any fee until you get the compensation that you deserve. To learn more, call at 1 (855) 631-1491 or visit at

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Adverse Effects of Risperdal

A wide number of people are suffering from a disease, named schizophrenia and to help them get rid of this trouble, the drug manufacturing company brought a medication named Risperdal. Schizophrenia is a disease in which people lose interest in anything that they do as well as in their lives too. It is a dangerous situation. And the only medicine that is available to treat the situation is Risperdal.

The Food and Drug Association (FDA) has also approved the drug. However, now, it has been found that in place of getting a relief, the patients are suffering from Risperdal side effects including

  • Fever 
  • Stiff muscles
  • confusion, or uneven heartbeats 
  • Risperdal gynecomastia
  • Restless muscle movements in your eyes, jaw, tongue, or neck
  • Tremor
  • Drooling 
  • Seizure
  • Chills, body aches 
  • And many more 

Some also died after consuming the drug. If you or your loved one is suffering from the same then don’t remain silent and file a lawsuit against the company for not making people aware of risperidone side effects.

The professional lawyers will help you in this. Moreover, they will make sure of the fact that you get the compensation that you deserve. is a popular legal firm that helps their clients to file a lawsuit against the drug manufacturing company. Would you want to get their assistance? Call at 1 (855) 631-1491 or visit at

Monday, April 23, 2018

Highlights on the effects of risperidone

Risperidone is an oral prescription drug which is sold under the brand name Risperdal and is generally used for the treatment of psychiatric conditions.

The drug falls in the class of atypical antipsychotics and works by changing the activity of dopamine along with the other naturally occurring chemicals in the brain. It affects the neurotransmitters which people with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism are believed to have a certain imbalance in their numbers.

FDA first approved the medication in 2002 for the treatment of schizophrenia in people older than thirteen years. It is used for:
  • Schizophrenia: this is a mental disorder where the person is conditioned to hallucinate or see delusional images.
  • Bipolar disorder: complimented with the drugs lithium or divalproex, Risperidone is often given to people with bipolar disorder to treat the intense mood episodes. 
  • Autism: to treat the irritability associated with autism and to treat the symptoms of aggression, Risperidone is a popularly prescribed drug. 
More recently, FDA released a black box warning against the drug stating it may increase the risk of death in elderly patients who have dementia. The drug is not approved to treat psychosis in older patients with dementia.
  • Tardive dyskinesia is a serious condition that might arise from risperidone's intake. It leads to unusual involuntary movement of the tongue, face and other body parts which can't be controlled. Unfortunately, this condition may not go away even if the dosage is stopped.
  • Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) is a serious condition but a rare side effect of risperidone. It can actually happen to any patient who takes antipsychotic drugs. The symptoms vary from heavy sweating, high fever, muscle stiffness, kidney failure, confusion, rapid heart rhythm and unusual blood pressure. NMS if not treated timely can prove fatal.
  • Risperidone can cause metabolic changes leading to the risks of heart attack as well as stroke. Blood sugar, frequented urination, lessened hunger, weight gain as well as fluctuations in the cholesterol level in the body are some of the common risperidone side effects.
If you someone who has suffered from the above-discussed symptoms and side effects after taking Risperdal might be eligible for a financial compensation. For further details on the case and a free evaluation on the litigation, visit the website for risperdalsideeffect at You can also dial 1(855)631-1491 for scheduling your appointment.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The ill-effects of risperdal

Risperdal is a medication that’s widely used to treat children who are excessively irritable. Though it was mainly approved to treat psychosis, its use in children especially among the ones who are suffering from autism has grown rapidly in the last few years. It calms down kids with severe behavioral problems and helps them to lead a normal life. Without it, some may require residential treatment.
Risperdal Children

However, it drug can have serious side-effects. And it’s important to make sure a child taking it is following the guidelines properly. As a parent, you should know what the medical community agrees. Being risperdal children, a child can suffer from the following ill-effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Fever 
  • Headache 
  • Drowsiness
  • Anxiety 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Cough 
  • Skin rash
  • And many more 

Along with the mentioned ones, a boy child can suffer from risperdal breast. Though the medication has brought in the market to offer relief to the ones who are suffering from autism and mental disorder, it fails to provide the desired result.

If your child or a child in the neighbor is suffering from the same, file a lawsuit against the drug manufacturing company and claim compensation. The manufacturer is liable to provide the compensation when your child is suffering for them. And to make the procedure smooth, get the assistance of the experienced lawyers. works to secure the rights of the patients. All of their lawyers are certified and experienced in this field and moreover, they make sure of the fact their clients get the compensation that they deserve. You can also get their assistance for the same. To explore more about their services, call at 1 (855) 631-1491 or visit at